Linux Distribution and Version check

Linux Distribution Check

Let’s check which Linux OS you are using, Open your Terminal and type the following command..

$ lsb_release -a

I am using Ubuntu Linux and OS Release is 20.04

Linux Systemd-based distribution

Check more details about Linux OS

$ cat /etc/os-release

Uname Command in Linux

Uname is a short form of Unix name. Uname command used to view Linux OS’s Name, Kernel, OS Version and Hardware information.

$ uname –help

Above command will view all Options related to Uname command

-a-aPrints all information, omitting -p and -i if the information is unknown.
-s–kernel-namePrint the kernel name.
-n–nodenamePrint the network node hostname.
-r–kernel-releasePrint the kernel release.
-v–kernel-versionPrint the kernel version.
-m–machinePrint the machine hardware name.
-p–processorPrint the processor type, or “unknown”.
-i–hardware-platformPrint the hardware platform
-o–operating-systemPrint the operating system.
–helpDisplay a help message, and exit.
–versionDisplay version information, and exit.
