Getting about CPU and RAM in Linux
In Linux Distribution, if you went to display and went to know about hardware the information of your system then below commands will help you.
To get CPU information in Linux
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
$ lscpu
To get Memory (RAM) information in Linux
$ cat /proc/meminfo
To know more about Memory (RAM) info, use free command to view.
$ free –help

Options | Commands | Description |
–help | free –help | for more options |
-b | free -b | memory in bytes |
-m | free -m | memory in Megabyte |
-g | free -g | memory in Gigabyte |
-h | free -h | memory in human readable format |
-l | free -l | show detailed low and high memory statistics |
-t | free -t | show total for RAM + swap |